Space for Art

Cork City is growing and changing.  As such, it is vital to ensure that the physical arts and cultural infrastructure is sustained and expanded to meet the needs of the transforming city and to deliver on the arts and cultural ambitions it holds.

This goal demands innovative short and long-term solutions and the collective efforts of stakeholders including the council, the arts and culture sector, private developers, government and statutory agencies.

Over the next five years, alongside the planned major capital developments of the Events Centre and Crawford Art Gallery, Cork City Council Arts Office will explore and advance opportunities to augment space for art sustainably across the city. In particular, we will pursue the recognised potential for arts and culture in the regeneration of the city centre.

Below is a list of dedicated arts spaces in Cork City. Get in touch if you are involved in a space you would like to be added to this list.

For more information on this strategic priority, follow this link to the Cork City Council Arts and Culture Strategy 2022 - 2026.


Arts and Cultural Infrastructure Needs Assessment

In August 2023, Cork City Council commissioned AEA Consulting to undertake a needs assessment and capital project definition to inform development of new arts and cultural facility(ies) in Cork City. This report synthesizes the research and analysis completed to assess (as of 2023) and future (up to 2040) needs related to the provision of arts and cultural infrastructure. Cork-ArtsCultural-Infrastructure-Needs-Assessment-202405_compressed